intVLA | Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije i intelektualno vlasništvo
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Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije i intelektualno vlasništvo

Ciljevi predmeta

Cilj kolegija je osposobiti studente/ice za rješavanje pravnih problema zaštite intelektualnih tvorevina u informacijsko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama.

Sadržaj predmeta i satnica

a) uvodno o informacijsko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama (5 sati)

b) elektronička trgovina i sklapanje pravnih poslova putem interneta (2 sata)

c) zaštita podataka i privatnosti na internetu (2 sata)

d) zaštita potrošača (1 sat)

d) pravna zaštita računalnih programa i elektroničkih baza podataka (2 sata)

f) pravna zaštita internet domena (2 sata)

g) posebnosti iskorištavanja autorskih djela i predmeta srodnih prava na internetu – rad na slučajevima (4 sata)

h) posebnosti iskorištavanja žiga na internetu – rad na slučajevima (2 sata)


Obvezna literatura

1.     Zakon o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima NN 167/03, 79/07, 80/11

2.     Zakon o žigu NN 173/03, 54/05, 76/07, 30/09, 49/11

3.     Zakon o elektroničkoj trgovini NN 173/03, 67/08, 36/09, 130/11

4.     FICSOR, Michaly, The Law of Copyright and the Internet, Oxford, 2002

5.     Julie E. Cohen, Lydia Pallas Loren, Ruth Gana Okediji, Maureen O’Rourke, Copyright in a Global Information Economy, Aspen Law & Business, New York – Gaithersburg, 2002

6.     H.C. LUCAS, Strategies for Electronic Commerce and the Internet, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.-London-England, 2001

7.     F.L. STREET-M.P. GRANT, Law of the Internet, Matthew Bender, New York, 1999 (PRIV 1669)

Dopunska literatura

1.     M. Henry Heines, Patents for Business, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut,London 2007 (ISBN 0-275-99337-X)

2.     H. J. Meeker, A Primer on Intellectual Property Licensing, Earthling Press, 2003 (ISBN 1587493950)

3.     L. Bently-B. Sherman, Intellectual Property Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004 (PRIV 3814

4.     EINHORN, Michael A., Media, Technology and Copyright, Cheltenham UK, Northampton, USA, 2004

5.     WILLIAMS, A. et al., Digital Media – Cotracts, Rights and Licences, London 2001

6.     C.R. MC MANIS, Taking Trips on the Information Superhighway: International Intellectual Property Protecton and Emerging Computer Technology, in 41 Vill. L. Rev., 1996, 207 ss

7.     Lawrence Rosen, Open Source Licensing: Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law, Prentice Hall PTR, 2005 (PRIV 4606)

8.     G. Wei, Telephone Directories and Databases: The Policy at the Helm of Copyright Law and a Tale of Two Cities, in IPQ 2004, 316-365

9.     E. Derclaye, Data Bases “Sui Generis” Right: Should we Adopt the Spin-off theory? in 26 EIPR  2004, 402-413

10.  T.A. Oriola, Electronic Database Protection and the Limits of Copyright – What Options for Developing Countries, in 7 JWIP 2004, 201-228

11.  JL. Determann-A. Coan, Spoiled Code? SCO v. Linux – a case-study in the implications of upstream intellectual property disputes for software end users, in Computer und Recht international 2003, 161-167

12.  H. Chesbrough, Open Innovation. The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, 2003 (PRIV 2978)

13.  D. KOO, Patent and Copyright Protection of Computer Programs, in IPQ 2002, 172 ff.

14.  P.K. BOBCKO, Open-Source Software and the Demise of Copyright, in 27 Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 2001, 51 ff.

15.  E. MOGLEN, Anarchism Triumphant: Free Software and the Death of Copyright, in E. LEDERMAN-R. SHAPIRA eds., Law, Information and Information Technology, Kluwer, The Hague, 2001, 145 ff. (PRIV 2439)

16.  M. JAMIESON, Copyright for Computer Software, in The Juridical Review, 2001, 165 ff.

17.  B. FITZGERALD, Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Architecture (including Software): The Question of Digital Diversity, in  EIPR, 2001, 121 ff.

18.  D.J.M. ATTRIDGE, Copyright Protection for Computer Programs, in EIPR 2000, 563

19.  J. GINSBURG, Creation and Commercial Value: Copyright Protection of Works of Information, in 90 Columbia L. Rev., 1990, 1865 ff.

20.  D. SCHIUMA, TRIPS and Exclusion of Software “as Such” from Patentability, in 31 IIC, 2000, 36 ff.

21.  K. BERESFORD, Patenting Software under the European Patent Convention, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1999 (INT 691)

22.  E. DERCLAYE, Software Copyright Protection: Can Europe Learn from American Case Law?, in EIPR, 2000, 56 ff.

23.  B. KREMER, Copyright Protection of Computer Programs, in  EIPR, 292 ff.

24.  Estelle Derclaye, The Legal Protection of Data Bases. A Comparative Analysis, Edward Elgar, Celtenham, 2008 (4618)

25.  Tanya Aplin, The EU Database Right: Recent Developments, in IPQ 52-68 (2005)

26.  J. LIPTON, Data Bases as Intellectual Property: New Legal Approaches, in 25 EIPR 2003, 139-145

27.  J. Lipton, Copyright in the Digital Age:  A Comparative Survey, in 27 Rutgers Comp. & Tech. L. J., 2001, 333 ff.

28.  M. Davison, The Legal Protection of Databases, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003 (PRIV 3233)

29.  N. THAKUR, Database Protection in the European Union and the United States: The European Database Directive as an Optimum Global Model? in IPQ 2001, 100 ff.

30.  S. CHALTON, Database Right: Stronger That it Looks? in 23 EIPR 2001, 296 ff.

31.  V.VANOVERMEIRE, The Concept of the Lawful User in the Database Directive, in 31 IIC, 2000, 63 ff.

32.  D. LICHTMAN, Property Rights in Emerging Platform Technologies, in 29 J. Legal St., 2000, 615 ff.

33.  Hong Xue, Territorialism versus Universalism: International Intellectual Property Law in the International Domain Name System, in 9 JWIP 2006, 1-24

34.  J Goldsmith-Tim Wu, Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 (PRIV 3876)

35.  J.I. Sherman, Fan Websites’ Use of Trademark in their Domain Names: Fair or Foul? in 30 Rutgers Comp. & Techn. L .J. 2004, 399-430

36.  Engel, International Domain Names Disputes: Rules and Practice of the UDRP, in EIPR 2003, 351-365

37.  CHRISTIE, The ICANN Domain Name Dispute Resolution System as a Model for Resolving other Intellectual Property Disputes on the Internet, in 5 The Journal of World Intellectual Property 2002, 105 ff.

38.  M. STECHTER, Webvertising: Unfair Competition and Trademarks on the Internet, Kluwer Law International, 1999 (PRIV 2388)

39.  E. RHEIN, Reverse Domain Name Hijacking: Analysis and Suggestions, in EIPR 2001, 557 ff.

40.  P. GEY, Bad Faith Under ICANN’s Uniform Domain Names Dispute Resolution Policy, in EIPR 2001, 507 ff.

41.  J.P. LIU, Legitimacy and Authority in Internet Coordination: A Domain Name Case Study, in 74 Ind. L.J., 1999, 587

42.  D. J. EZER, Celebrity Names as Web Site Addresses: Extending the Domain of Publicity Rights to the Internet, in 67 The University of Chicago Law Rev., 2000, 1291 ff.

43.  M. LEAFFER, Domain Names, Globalization and Internet Governance, in 6 Ind. J. of Global Legal Studies, 1998, 139 ff.

44.  GIBSON, Digital Dispute Resolution. Internet Domain Names and WIPO’s Role, in Computer und Recht International, n.2, 2001, 33 ff.

45.  HUBERMAN, The Laws of the Web. Patterns in the Ecology of Information, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.-London-England, 2001 (PRIV 2433)

46.  A.R. LODDER-H.W.K. KASPERSEN, eDirectives: Guide to European Union Law on E-Commerce, Kluwer, The Hague, 2002 (INT 1096)

47.  D.R. JOHNSON-D. POST, Law and Borders: The Rise of Law in Cyberspace, in 48 Stanford L. Rev., 1996, 1367 ff.

48.  R.J. BARCELO’, On line Intermediary Liability Issues: Comparing E.U. and U.S. Legal Frameworks, in EIPR, 2000, 105 ff.

49.  LUCAS, Exploitation and Liability in the Light of Media Convergence, in 23 EIPR 2001, 275 ff.

50.  L. LESSIG, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, Basic Books, New York, 2000

51.  KUR, Use of Trademarks on the Internet – the WIPO Recommendations, in 33 IIC 2002, 41 ff.

52.  F.L. STREET-M.P. GRANT, Law of the Internet, Matthew Bender, New York, 1999

53.  STULKEY, Internet and Online Law, Law Journal Press, New York, 1999 (PRIV 1450)

54.  S. YORK, e-commerce: A Guide to the Law of Electronic Business, Butterworths, London, 1999

55.  M. CHISSICK-A. KELMAN, Electronic Commerce Law & Practice, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2002

Ishodi učenja

Ishodi učenja na razini programa kojima predmet doprinosi

Nakon odslušanog kolegija i položenog pisanog i usmenog ispita, student/ica je upoznat/a s najvažnijim suvremenim tehnološkim dostignućima u kojima se koriste predmeti zaštićeni intelektualnim vlasništvom. Također, dobiva bazicno razumjevanje filozofije koja stoji iza patentiranja i primjene poslovne tajne, njihove zastite, i kako se to intelektualno vlasnistvo monetizira u poduzecima koja su temeljena na znanju. Student/ica osposobljen/a je rješavati praktične probleme i pitanja srednje razine složenosti, vezana uz zaštitu posebnih vrsta autorskih djela i predmeta srodnih prava koji su karakteristični za pojedine vrste djelatnosti (računalni programi i baze podataka). Upoznat/a je s najvažnijim načinima komunikacije i trgovine putem interneta i zaštitom intelektualnih tvorevina u takvim komunikacijama te zaštite privatnosti i zaštite potrošača u takvim komunikacijama. Ovaj predmet sintetizira znanja stečena u obveznim predmetima s ovoga studija i ujedno ih nadograđuje i proširuje u pogledu iskorištavanja i zaštite intelektualnih tvorevina posredstvom informacijsko – komunikacijskih tehnologija

Ishodi učenja na razini predmeta

  • Stjecanje sposobnosti za praktično obavljanje poslova vezanih uz pravnu zaštitu računalnih programa i baza podataka, na srednjoj razini.
  • Stjecanje sposobnosti za praktično obavljanje poslova vezanih uz pravnu zaštitu internet domena, na srednjoj razini.
  • Stjecanje sposobnosti za analizu i rješavanje praktičnih pitanja i problema povezanih s iskorištavanjem autorskih djela, predmeta srodnih prava, žigova i drugih intelektualnih tvorevina na internetu, na srednjoj razini.

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